
Showing posts from March, 2017

Tragedy Between Two Cars

I think I was pretty clever at titling this post what I titled it. You'll see why, a couple sentences down. It all started on a very normal Monday morning, an Oct 10th morning, to be exact. My parents were at someone's house, and I was at a doctor's appointment. So there I am at the doctor's, I get called in, get released, and now am headed back to my car. When I try to turn my car on though, it won't start. None of the lights turn on, it makes no sounds, no nothing. Super bummed, I call my dad (literally the go-to guy for anything that has to do with pretty much anything; my dad is the best). Our conversation goes as follows: Dad: "Okay, your car is standard, so if you ask someone to push you from the back while you have it on 2nd gear, it should start right back up". Me: "But dad, there's a car in front of me, I'm parked in a parking lot". Dad: " Then put your car on neutral, push it back yourself, then once you have enou