

That's right; today's blog post is about a surprise that happened in the city of Surprise to my surprise back in 2015-2016. It seems like everyone has testimonies about how God has cured them or a loved one of a severe sickness, but my greatest testimony thus far in life, fortunately sprouted from severe negligence on my behalf. Let's jump right in! 😀 I remember like it was just yesterday. At this point in my life, I was working at a school in Surprise, AZ, which meant that I had to wake up about an hour earlier than I was used to in order to be able to have enough time to get ready, head to work and do all the morning tasks teachers have to do every morning. Now, this is where I admit to the fact that I used to (keywords "used to") not be very good at managing my time. I "used to" not get up an hour earlier like I should've been getting up at. Instead, I would get up at the very latest I could in order to be able to make it to work with just

Tragedy Between Two Cars

I think I was pretty clever at titling this post what I titled it. You'll see why, a couple sentences down. It all started on a very normal Monday morning, an Oct 10th morning, to be exact. My parents were at someone's house, and I was at a doctor's appointment. So there I am at the doctor's, I get called in, get released, and now am headed back to my car. When I try to turn my car on though, it won't start. None of the lights turn on, it makes no sounds, no nothing. Super bummed, I call my dad (literally the go-to guy for anything that has to do with pretty much anything; my dad is the best). Our conversation goes as follows: Dad: "Okay, your car is standard, so if you ask someone to push you from the back while you have it on 2nd gear, it should start right back up". Me: "But dad, there's a car in front of me, I'm parked in a parking lot". Dad: " Then put your car on neutral, push it back yourself, then once you have enou

The Waiting Game

I am currently in my room, waiting on life. I know, it sounds depressing, but it's not that sad. What I am waiting for is the opening of a new chapter in my life (whether that be the chapter I'm hoping for or not). Welcome to today's post on theraquelwind, I am glad to have you here. My current situation is a stressful one, but exciting at the same time. Back in May of 2016,  I was left with nothing but a road full of opportunities ahead of me, yet I felt like a bum for being 22 years old with no job, no classes to attend and no idea of what I wanted my future to look like. Well, today, I finally have a plan, but I won't know whether this will play out the way I'm expecting it to until the ends of November; today is Sept 21st and I've been at the waiting game for about 3 months now. To keep me busy, I've applied to be a substitute teacher just to make sure my teaching skills don't get rusty, and also, so I won't be home all day without anything t

Back in a 5th Grade Classroom

So, no... I did not randomly visit a 5th grade classroom. I'm in a 5th grade classroom, but this time, I'm the teacher. It's so crazy to me how 2 months ago, I was completely lost, not knowing what to do with my life. I remember being home stressing about my life. Then, I suddenly remembered... "I have a God." Once I reminded myself of that, I began to think of myself as being very foolish. If the God I read about is the God I serve, then there should be no reason for me to be worrying/stressing about life. Right then and there, I surrendered my life to God (yes, even if I'd done that before when I got baptized 6 years ago). The next thing I knew, I had just hung up with a phone call from my boss telling me that there was a 5th grade teacher position open and that she wanted me to apply. Long story short, I applied, took 2 state tests, got interviewed, and signed the contract in July of 2015. I was an official 5th grade teacher at the age of 20. In the cla

What Is This About?

Basically, my posts will vary in subject from week to week. This will be a journal of my life and if you are so little as interested in my blog, you are welcome to tune in every week for my weekly post. It's kind of odd I know that I'm starting a blog in October. Blogs are usually begun on Januaries only because it seems like a New Year's resolution sort of deal, but for me, it's the start of a new season. I call this season in my life: The Season of Wanting to Start a Blog. So whether you're bearing with me or you're absorbing this whole idea with me, I invite you to nevertheless continue this journey with me for I know it'll be a grand one. With me.